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Streetlight @ UGM

One of our Directions (or shared values) as a community is OUTWARD: Using our gifts to participate in serving our local and global communities: faithfully working to fulfill God's mission in the world.

In terms of local service and mission, a number of individuals within the Artisan community are involved in active, ongoing volunteer service throughout the city. As a community, however, we have thus far engaged primarily in single-event opportunities such as Improv Comedy Benefit Nights , Operation Christmas Child , Walk the Wall and Help-Portrait . These have been great, but we've also been seeking out ways to tangibly love and serve our neighbors on a more consistent basis, exploring potential partnerships with other agencies that already do a great job of this -- to both learn from them and serve alongside them.

Union Gospel Mission is one such organization. For over 70 years, they have been working hard to fulfill their mission of offering "hope to hungry, hurting and homeless men, women and children in Metro Vancouver by sharing and practically demonstrating the gospel of Jesus Christ".

We have been given an opportunity to link arms with UGM by participating in something called Streetlight . An Outreach program since 1987, Streetlight is all about developing intentional relationships – going out into the community and meeting our Downtown East Side neighbors where they are. We share God's love by giving a cup of hot chocolate and initiating caring conversation with those in need. In so doing, we act as a bridge to the transformative ministries of Union Gospel Mission.

Participants are required to fill out an Application and take a brief Training Session. If you're interested in attending the next training session, let me know [nelson @]. Download Volunteer Application Form .

For trained participants, we are currently doing Streetlight on the fourth Tuesday of each month .

Upcoming dates:
October 25
November 22
January 24

Meet @ UGM at 6:15pm
601 E. Hastings (
map )

The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness
of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part
of one another, and all involved in one another.
- Thomas Merton
