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In Celebration of the Spirit

The word "Comforter" as applied to the Holy Spirit needs to be translated by some vigorous term. Literally, it means, "with strength." Jesus promised His followers that "The Strengthener" would be with them forever. This promise is no lullaby for the faint-hearted. It is a blood transfusion for courageous living.
––E. Paul Hovey

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
––Acts 4:31

A Call for Submissions

Our gathering on June 12 will be structured differently than most. There will be no sermon. Or, to be more precise, there will be a whole bunch of little sermons. We want to engage in a Creative Celebration of Pentecost -- the coming of the presence of God via the Holy Spirit. A nd for this we would love to enlist the creative gifts of the wider Artisan community. If you have a poem, a piece of visual art, a photograph, a song, a dance, a dramatic reading, a monologue, a short film, or another art form that you think would help the community pay closer attention to, celebrate, respond to, long for, open up to, or be united with the Spirit's movement in our lives, please email Lance and/or Nelson .

Questions? Contact us with those, too.
Deadline for submissions: Monday, June 6.
That will give us time to put everything together in time for the 12th.

What is Pentecost? Here's a Brief Biblical History:

Pentecost is the Greek name given to the ancient Israelite Feast of Weeks (Shavu 'ot). It brings the Eastertide season to a close. Pentecost means "fiftieth", referring to the celebration of this festival fifty days after Passover. On this feast day the promised Holy Spirit suddenly came upon the early believers who were gathered together. The meaning of this event is far-reaching. But at the very least, Pentecost signifies that a new era has begun. Just as the ancient Israelites, presenting their 'firstfruits', eventually stood in the Promised Land, so the follower of Christ, filled with the presence of God through the Holy Spirit, now stands in the completion of what was promised.
